Honda Motor Co

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Honda Motor Company, Ltd.
Founded 1948
Founders Soichiro Honda, Takeo Fujisawa
Type Public
Industry Automotive, Aviation
Headquarters Minato, Tokyo, Japan
Website Japanese English


Honda Giken Kōgyō Kabushiki Kaisha

Honda Motor Company, Limited

Coporate Profile

Honda beginnings lie in piston ring manufacturing. Soichiro Honda, an accomplished mechanical engineer, cast pistons out of his machine shop in 1938. His original attempts to sell these to Toyota were unsuccessful but two years later would receive a large order from them. In response to this business Honda created a few factories that miraculously escaped the bombing raids of WW2 only to succumb to an earthquake. He sold those operations to Toyota and decided to fully commit to the motorbike industry. Already having had been selling motorbikes of his own design on the small scale Honda searched out capital to broaden his business. He found it in the form of Takeo Fujisawa and together they started a company in 1949. Honda’s innovation in motorcycle design spurred the company to success garnering 15% of the motorcycle market by 1954. Honda himself was interested in the motorcycle racing world and in its pursuit won awards and recognition on a worldwide scale. However innovation was also evident in the civilian market and this led Honda Motor Co. to take the lead in the Japanese market in 1959. During this time Honda was experimenting overseas in Southeast Asia with little success however 59’ also marked the establishment of a US subsidiary which was to yield much success. By 1964 nearly one out of every two motorcycles sold in the United States was a Honda. This growth would allow Honda to expand into car and truck manufacturing in 1967 but its sales would lag until the Civic was introduced in 73’. The investment would prove worth it and a plant dedicated to cars would be established in Marysville, Ohio in 82’. In 92 Honda established a joint venture in the Chinese motorcycle market. 93’ would not treat Honda so kindly with declining sales due to a scandal and an oversaturated market. The Japanese economy was not doing well overall in 90s but Honda would manage to pull through and stand today as the fifth largest auto manufacturer in the world. Today Honda has ¥86 billion in capital and 339 (as of March 31, 2006) worldwide.

Sources: Funding Universe and Honda Coporate Profile


    336111 - Automobile Manufacturing
    333111 - Farm Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing
    333112 - Lawn and Garden Tractor and Home Lawn and Garden Equipment Manufacturing
    333618 - Other Engine Equipment Manufacturing
    336399 - All Other Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing
    336991 - Motorcycle, Bicycle, and Parts Manufacturing
    336211 - Motor Vehicle Body Manufacturing
    336999 - Other Engine Equipment Manufacturing 
    335312 - Motor & Generator Manufacturing 
    333618 - Outboard Motors Manufacturing


  • 社史 [創立七周年記念特集] 1955 OCLC#: 33649350

ホンダの歩み : 1973-1983 1984 (S 59) OCLC: #30967312

Mr. Honda forever = 故本田宗一郎最高顧問追悼集 1991 (H 3) OCLC: #30830842

ホンダの歩み : 1948-1975 1975 (S 50) OCLC: #30967294

History of Honda 1993 OCLC: #30880292

A decade of continuous challenges : a record of Honda's Formula One racing activities 1993 OCLC: #32536329

大いなる夢の実現 1999 (H 11) OCLC: #44640788

語り継ぎたいこと : チャレンジの50年 1999 (H 11) OCLC: #47603489

語り継ぎたいこと : チャレンジの50年 1999 (H 11) (web version)

Other Histories

Honda chōhassō keiei : Honda Sōichirō to Fujisawa Takeo no sekai / by Tetsuo Sakiya, 1979 OCLC: #11912289

本田宗一郎との 100時間 : 人間紀行 / 城山三郎著 講談社, 1984 (S59) OCLC: #15332666

本田宗一郎「一日一話」 : 夢を追って生きるために : "独創"に賭ける男の哲学 / PHP研究所編, 1985 OCLC: #54230381

経営に終わりはない / 藤沢武夫著 発行所 ネスコ, 1986 OCLC: #38038397

本田宗一郎 : F1 を制するホンダイズムの源流 / 安田信治著 ぱる出版, 1989 OCLC: #22793495

わが友本田宗一郎 / 井深大著 ごま書房, 1991 OCLC: #26399887

本田宗一郎の人生 : 終わりなき走路 / 池田政次郎著 東洋経済新報社, 1991 OCLC: #25875346

技術と格闘した男・本田宗一郎 / NHK取材班著 日本放送出版協会, 1992 OCLC: #27854652

本田宗一郎グラフィティ夢の轍/ 池田政次郎著 プレジデント社, 1992 OCLC: #28972189

男はこう天職を貫け : 本田宗一郎に学ぶ "40代開年期" の冒険哲学 / 徳丸壮也著 東洋経済新報社, 1992 OCLC: #28027365

藤沢武夫の研究 / 山本祐輔著 かのう書房, 1993 OCLC: #29030238

ホンダ神話 教祖のなき後で / 佐藤正明著 文藝春秋, 1995 OCLC: #33287305

活学の達人 : 本田宗一郎との対話 / 合田周平著 丸善, 1996 OCLC: #36357094

本田宗一郎情熱と涙 / 原田一男著 ごま書房, 1997 OCLC: #49256492

Honda GP racers / by Colin MacKellar, 1998 OCLC: #39791245

本田宗一郎との 100時間 ; わしの眼は十年先が見える / 城山三郎著 岩波書店, 1998 OCLC: #41516042

Honda : 21世紀への挑戦 / 赤井邦彦著 三心堂出版社, 1998 OCLC: #53917299

ホンダをつくったもう一人の創業者: 受け継がれる藤沢武夫の教え / 大河滋著 マネジメント伸社, 1998 OCLC: #49255474

戦後型企業家と高度成長 井深大, 盛田昭夫 (ソニ-); 本田宗一郎, 藤沢武夫 (ホンダ) / 橘川武郎著 丸善, 1999 OCLC: #122813544

本田宗一郎から学んだモノづくりの極意 / 西嶢祐著 日刊工業新聞社, 1999 OCLC: #53699843

「トヨタとホンダ」 : 勝ち組の自信と不安 : 世界自動車戦争をトヨタとホンダはどう戦うか : わが道を行くトヨタ・ホンダの勝ち残り作戦徹底比較 / 上杉治郎著 エ-ル出版社, 2000 OCLC: #46444971

世界を驚かせた一台の車 各社長と鬪った若手社員たち / 編集NHK ; 企画協力日本放送出版協会 ; 技術協力NHKテクニカルサ-ビス ; 発行NHKソフトウェア. 今井彰. 中島みゆき, 田口トモロヲ著 NHKソフトウェア, 2001 OCLC: #51575734

オートバイ・乗用車産業経営史 : ホンダにみる企業発展のダイナミズム / 出水力著 日本経済評論社, 2002 OCLC: #50651148

制覇せよ世界最高峰レース マン島・オートバイレースにかけた若者たち / 編集 NHK NHKソフトウェア, 2002 OCLC: #61315529

ホンダの遺伝子 : 受け継がれる創業者・本田宗一郎の精神 / 坂崎善之著 大和出版, 2003 OCLC: #52394521

コミック版プロジェクトX挑戦者たち. 制覇せよ世界最高峰レ-ス「ホンダ」マン島・オ-トバイにかけた若者たち / 横山アキラ著, 2003 OCLC: #52635316

Building on dreams : the story of Honda in Ohio / by Don Hensley, 2004 OCLC: #56927193

Honda in Ohio : the economic impact of the first 25 years : a study / by Levin, Driscoll & Fleeter, 2004 OCLC: #60885765

本田宗一郎と井深大に学ぶ現場力 / 吉村久夫著 日本経済新聞社, 2005 OCLC: #62397593

Funding Universe History


  • NDL OPAC- National Diet Library Online Public Access Catalog (国立国会図書館蔵書検索・申込システム)

Affiliates, North America

Celina Aluminium Precision Technology Inc (Celina, Mercer County, Ohio, U.S.A.)

FT Precision Inc. (Fredricktown, Knox County, Ohio, U.S.A.)

Jefferson Industries Corp (West Jefferson, Madison County, Ohio, U.S.A.)

Honda Engineering Inc. (Marysville, Union County, Ohio, U.S.A.)

Honda of America Manufacturing Inc. (Anna, Shelby County, Ohio, U.S.A.)

Honda of America Manufacturing Inc. (Marysville, Union County, Ohio, U.S.A.)

Honda of America Mfg. (Marysville, Union County, Ohio, U.S.A.)

Honda R&D Americas - Ohio Center (East Liberty, Union County, Ohio, U.S.A.)

Honda Trading America Corp (Marysville, Union County, Ohio, U.S.A.)

Honda Transmission Mfg. (Russells Point, Logan County, Ohio, U.S.A.)

KTH Parts Industries, Inc.

Mid-West Express, Inc. (East Liberty, Logan County, Ohio, U.S.A.)