University of Pittsburgh's Shashi Collection

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Overview of Mitsui Collection

The valuable Mitsui Collection was donated to the University of Pittsburgh by the Institute for Financial and Economic Research (金融経済研究所= 金研:Kinken) of the former Mitsui Bank. The Collection contains over 64,000 volumes of books and journals - 33,498 of Japanese imprints (5,712 published before the end of World War II, and 27,786 are published afterward), 10,701 of Western languages imprints, 20,000 Japanese and Western languages journals.

Shashi published after 1945 in the Mitsui Collection are not cataloged yet in PittCat nor OCLC WorldCat. If you find [Mitsui Collection] after the title, it is indicates that the Shashi is in the Mitsui Collection but not on the OCLC WorldCat. Please contact Hiro Good at to do rush catalog so that you can reqeust by ILL.

Company Histories in the Mitsui Collection

In this collection, there are 2,736 volumes of company histories. Although they are not cataloged by LC classification and not in our OPAC yet, you can access a list of searchable PDF file contains 256 titles of company histories published before the end of the World War II.

Norio Tamaki Grants Available to visit the Collection - $750 each

To encourage use of the Mitsui Collection, the University’s Asian Studies Center has established two annual “Norio Tamaki Grants” of $750 each to help defray the expenses for those visiting the University to use the Collection.

For more detail of Mitsui Collection, go to University of Pittsburgh East Asian Library home page.